NYT > Soccer

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Wireless Communication

I learned that, Wireless communication is a type of data that is  performed wireless

  • When buying a phone,it's depends on your needs or choice not the cost or the customer service.
  • Other states has banned text whiles driving because it is very risky 
  • Sending self naked pictures to your friends is inappropriate

Monday, March 16, 2015

Choosing A Computer
I learned that when you want to buy a computer, You can hand in  list of features about the computer you want to buy to the salesman. Example,If you want a computer that store so many documents,then you will need a big Ram or a storage media, I also learned that a Cloud users  needs a client device to access the cloud system via World Wide Web.

  • I choose this computer because it has speakers and medium screen.
  • Comfortable keyboard and mouse.
  • Its cost $500.